Celebration is a youth rally that began in 1984 by a group of Christian men who wanted to have a spiritual event to build up young people by encouraging and helping them to be more spiritually strong. Since that time Celebration has continue to be a traditional event that takes place each fall at the Kentucky Dam Village. The first one was held at West Kentucky Youth Camp. Celebration has changed some with the times but the message still stays the same. The message of Jesus is annually preached to around 700 teens and sponsors.
Please register online using the link on the menu, then mail in $60 per person. This fee includes all sessions, T-shirt, breakfast both days, and a huge BBQ lunch on Saturday. If you would like to add cabins or rooms, you can book direct with KY Dam village at 270-362-4271.
Payments after the deadline will require a $50 late fee. Shirts will not be guaranteed with late payments. Leaders, please send in exact numbers and not estimates. You will mail a check for your group ($60 per person) to:
Attn: Brian Brophy
Reidland Church of Christ
5500 Kentucky Dam Road
Paducah, KY 42003
Book your cabins/rooms on the Kentucky Dam Village Website or by calling the park at 270-362-4271 before September 29, 2023. After that date you will need to pay the standard rate. If you would rather get an AIrBnB, Holiday Inn, or Houseboat, GO FOR IT!! Then be sure to register your students online for Celebration and we will see you there!
To book,
1. Put in arrival (Nov 1, 2024) and departure (Nov 3, 2024) dates.
2. Click Special rates
3. Put in Group Code : 5079
Celebration is run by a committee of twelve Christian men who choose the speakers and the events that take place each fall. All of those on the committee are members of the churches of Christ.
During Saturday’s free time you are free to leave the park with your group. Nearby LBL is 144,000 acres of wilderness paradise. Paducah is just a 30 minute drive with many great restaurants, and many groups enjoy bringing in food and playing board games and frisbee football in the park.
Celebration is for 6th grades to 12th grades and chaperones. We realize that small children do come from time to time, but if they take up a seat we ask you to pay for them because seating is limited. The activities and content will be centered around the teens for the weekend.